By Which We Are Saved

By Which We Are Saved

The following is the brief description as taken and quoted exactly as it is displayed on

By Which We Are Saved: Sharing The Gospel With Confidence

by Preston Condra & Kelly Condra

“Responding to the call to share the Gospel of Christ is an intimidating prospect in our “politically correct” society. In addition to concerns about causing offense, some Christians feel unprepared to answer questions and objections which may arise. “By Which We Are Saved is an evangelism handbook to equip the body of Christ to share their faith with greater confidence. A detailed explanation of the Gospel will aid Christians in recognizing and addressing unbelief, and extensive biblical references allow the Bible to defend itself against objections. A section on communication will help facilitate and smooth biblical conversations, enabling Christians to incorporate evangelism more fully into daily life.

By Which We are Saved is a complete handbook for witnessing:
• A thorough examination of the Gospel by which we are saved
• Confidence builders for communicating
• Concise responses to objections which arise when sharing the Gospel
• Filled with scripture references, placing the emphasis on God’s answers”


I hadn’t been thinking about doing any book reviews on my blog because I’ve seen how nasty the comments can be when the debates get heated from so many different sides, even though there are some books that I would love to review, but I woke up this morning asking the Lord to lead me to the topic of a post for the day because I’ve committed to writing a blog post every day from now on. I don’t know if I’ll succeed but He’s stretching me and the Lord knows my heart, He knows I’m trying. The first thing my eyes settled on when I sat on my couch was my book shelf….right at this book. Then as I logged onto Facebook to check messages there was a new post from Sufficient Word which is the Facebook page for Preston and Kelly Condra, at the top of my Facebook feed. Then as I went to look for stamps to pay my bills and came across a print out that was shoved in the glove compartment from the summer over this book. . . . . All I could think was John 10:27 and “okay, daddy, you lead – I’ll follow”. So here I am.

I actually have read this book and it is excellent.

Preston Condra visited my church and spoke and did a fantastic job explaining the gospel, what being saved is and isn’t, and you would do good to have him be a speaker at your church if you’re able to get him there! I actually think I failed telling my Pastor what a blessing it was for me to hear Mr. Condra that day and I’m so grateful Pastor Wendell had him come speak because hearing Preston really challenged me to share. In their book, By Which We Are Saved: Sharing The Gospel With Confidence, Preston and Kelly refer to the Gospel as 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 for the purpose of their book. In the first chapters they clarify what the Gospel is by explaining the five elements of the Gospel of Christ briefly by Who, What, Why, How, and Where. From chapters 3 to 7 they cover a multitude of common objections people have to the Gospel including, “Jesus wasn’t God, He was just a man,” and “God is a loving God and would not send anyone to hell,” and “There’s too much suffering and evil in the world, I reject a God who allows it,” and “I don’t agree with you, I have my own beliefs,” among many other objections. Chapter 8 covers not only unbelievers, but believers, who have objections to witnessing which is followed by Conclusions and the Appendix and Pages For Notes.

Soon after Preston’s visit we held a Bible study over the summer going through his book and one of our pastors walked us through chapter by chapter. We read through our books at home and in class we had a print out where we looked at different objections. Then our pastor discussed scripture and content taken from the book with us and helped prepare us for the objections and we practiced answering those objections with each other to help prepare us as we might face those when we go out to share the Gospel beyond the walls of our church. . . . . . maybe even inside the walls of the church. Here’s what’s on my heart this morning, I grew up calling myself a Christian but I was not one and coming from a family that I’m most certainly sure was not a family of Christians (I say that with near certainty, I don’t know their hearts – only the Lord does – but you will know them by their fruits), I know that when I came to faith through a true relationship with the Lord and began to learn scripture and what really was in God’s word and that it was meant for me, there was so much that I didn’t understand. There’s still so much that I don’t know – sure that’s true for a lot of people – but this book is a practical book for people from all walks, no matter where they are in their faith walk, whether they are new to their Christian faith or are many days aged in faith.

What keeps you from sharing your faith?There have been a few different things for me. I know right now that something I struggle with is the lack of knowledge of some answers because I’m a mature enough person to be able to admit that I know half of what most of my adult counterparts do. That’s now though. For me, when I wasn’t really a Christian – when I was a fan and not a follower – it was because I wasn’t sure what other people would think. Because I did care what other people thought. But I was only worldly at that time and I believed in this big guy in the sky that made us feel better about loved ones dying, and someone that could magically make things better for us, and I didn’t believe in the “bad gods”. When I was saved by grace I was no longer concerned about what other people thought, I was more concerned about what I had that they didn’t. That hurt my heart. I wanted them to know they could be set free, too. What kept me from sharing my faith? The questions. There were questions I could handle and ones I couldn’t.

A question I could handle.

How do you know God is real?

My answer? When He changed me I wasn’t the same and that’s all the proof I need.

That was probably a good one.

How do you know the Bible is God’s word?

My answer? How do you know it’s not?

Seriously. That could’ve used some work. Right? If we’re being transparent, I’ve actually been using that answer for a really long time, it’s kind of just to the point for me. Not the greatest answer but …. Then we used this handbook for a Bible study and one of our pastors answered this question when he said, “I know it’s the written word of God because it tells me it is.”  I’ve never felt so dumb and so empowered at the same time. I could’ve been telling people that all along. Yes, I know the Bible tells me it’s the Holy written Word of God but I still never considered that my saying so was the right answer, at least not until our study class. There are these ‘micro’ things that HOLD US BACK and that’s what satan wants, because He knows it will keep us from sharing the Gospel with confidence, or just keep us from sharing at all but the book has blessed me. Both of my pastors blessed me so much with having this speaker and this Bible study. I have so much more confidence now since Doug said that, I’ve repeated that very thing to over half a dozen people when asked in the past four months, all because I heard those words, “I know it’s the written word of God because it tells me it is”  …… I was being set up to hear him that night at Bible study. You know what, the enemy didn’t want me to hear my pastor say that either. My daughter broke her arm that night at church but it happened to occur right after Bible study and I heard the word that I needed to hear. The enemy thought He could cause a distraction and pull me away from what I needed but God is always right on time and He is sovereign.  The Lord is in control and you know what else, we all need greater confidence when witnessing so we can present the gospel clearly, and  I’m going to be standing at the gates of hell redirecting traffic for my King. I’m royalty and I’m a girl about my Father’s business and He’s giving us tools and this is one that He’s making available to use, and I’m telling you that I think you should use it.

The way they’ve laid everything out in this book, the gospel is clearly presented and is easily readable, and the appendix pages are incredible! They have these amazing reference pages in the back of the book, an Index of Objections, and an Index of Bible Verses! I think that’s my love language! I would highly recommend you to get this book, grab one for yourself and grab one for anyone else you know that could use a tool to help prepare them for sharing the Gospel, it’s going to encourage you. This handbook is small enough that you can take it anywhere, anywhere, so that it’s easily accessible to you, always. It’s going to help improve your knowledge, grow your confidence, and stretch your ability to share the good news!

 “Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.”  

~ 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 ~