Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome

Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome

Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome, or CVS, is a bully. It’s been an awful, intrusive, mean and painful intruder in our lives. It’s hard and it’s confusing.

CVS is marked by intense vomiting, nausea, and abdominal pain. The vomiting and nausea comes in cycles, hence the word “Cyclical” or “Cyclic”, and can be idiopathic (meaning no known cause), triggered (caused by a known trigger such as illness, stress, foods, etc), or calendar (a cycle that comes at the same time on the calendar; every few weeks, every month, on weekends, every few months, etc).

CVS is a puzzling illness. It’s very hard to get a diagnosis for this syndrome because it’s only given (properly) as a diagnosis of exclusion, meaning test after test has been run, and everything else that the specialists believe it could be has been ruled out. Then again there are people who are given this diagnosis based on assumptions, as I’ve connected with people from all over who’ve received this diagnosis but then went on to be diagnosed (after a second opinion) with celiac, Chron’s, lactose intolerance, diverticulitis, etc. It’s imperative that all the tests be run.

By the way if you’re wondering where that awesome potty chair came from you can get yours here!

CVS has no cure and is only treated based on symptom management. There are many different medications available to help aid sufferers, some work well and some don’t, it depends on who you ask; everyone is different and not everyone will experience the same results. Cyproheptadine, Amitryptaline, Zofran, Phenegran, and Topomax are just some. Some CVS sufferers also suffer from abdominal migraines, which is like a misfire between the brain and gut, and some people go on to develop gastroparesis, secondary to the CVS, as well.

My daughter has been sick since she was born and endured a lot of tests, and at the age of 22 months old she was diagnosed with CVS, and now has some other gastrointestinal issues as well. You can read more about her story here.

The Mayo Clinic has some more information on CVS and so does the National Organization for Rare Disorders!

If you would like to know more about Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome or making a tax deductible donation please visit the Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome Association website!

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”  Psalm 46:1  (NIV)
